Wednesday, January 02, 2008

It's a start.

We started school this morning, our first day of 2008 and it went okay. I had put a couple of new chores on the kid's morning lists and they did them pretty much without complaining. I was kind of shocked at how well it went. When I was getting ready for the afternoon lists, though, I suddenly remembered that I had made a vet appointment for the dogs and one of the cats today, so we skipped afternoon school and went to the vet. We only got in half a day, but it was a good half day and there was, dare I say it, no whining. Hopefully mentioning that won't jinx us for tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Starting back the 7th. After Rosie goes for a dental check up. How wicked am I? Cackle

  2. I wanted to start yesterday. But we're waiting until the 7th also.
