Sunday, December 23, 2007

It's Christmas Eve Eve.

It's come to be a holiday in its own right around here. My boys have a thing they do every year in that the oldest gives the youngest a few hours of his time for Christmas. The youngest gets to choose an activity and they do it together. This year they're going to play Heroscape. We let the kids open their presents to each other on this day. They did it an hour or so ago. It's fun to see what they've picked out for each other. Tomorrow, they'll get to open the presents from us (parents) and us from them.

I can't believe it's here already!

1 comment:

  1. We had Christmas with Jeff's family on Christmas Eve Eve :). The kids were so excited all day...they also exchanged gifts with the neighbor.
    The are so excited about today...Christmas Eve.....yes, I am too :). We will spend this evening with my family..woo hoo!!!
    Have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful time!!!!!!!!!
