Friday, December 21, 2007

Acrostic poems.

We did acrostic poems yesterday based on the words Candy Cane. I used these because they were a free printable and I was too lazy to make my own with a different word. Anyway, these turned out pretty well.

Here's my youngest son's.
C andy
A lways.
N orth pole.
D Deer.
Y awn.

C hristmas presents
A ll are here!
N ot sleeping!
E eek! We said as we jumped out of bed.

(He didn't really get into it until the last part.)

My daughter's.

C hristmas is coming soon
A nd we sing Chrismas Carols like
N oel Noel and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Rein
D eer and then its time for bed.
Y awn.

C hristmas! Shouts my little brother,
A nd everyone jumps out of bed to see what is the matter
N o one was sleeping anymore, not with
pr E sents by the door.

(She kinda cheated on that last line, using the E in the middle of presents!)

My oldest son's.

C hristmas is coming in just 4 days
A nd we are
N ot unhappy.
D awn on Christmas, we can't wait.
Y um, we get some taffy.

C ant' wait any longer.
A nd
N o one can make this sentence wronger
E veryone wants Christmas today. Hurray!

(He does know that wronger is not a word!)

Some things we used for language arts through the years included Caught Ya, Grammar with a Giggle and Jump In, A Workbook for Reluctant and Eager Writers.  I really think the second one, which my daughter used for 2 years, helped her want to become a writer.  She's been working on her first novel for a few years.

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