Monday, December 24, 2007

Not a creature was stirring ...

except this mouse. Thank goodness it's not real! It's another one of my daughter's pipe cleaner creations.

Here's our plan for today. This morning, I'm going to work a little bit. I'm off tomorrow and I'll need to make that up sometime (no paid time off) so I'll do at least half in advance today. I'm letting the kids sleep in and it's 10:30 am and the little two are still sleeping! Sometime today we need to get the house in order, bake cookies and make broccoli casserole for tonight's dinner. We also have 3 or 4 presents still to wrap. Then this evening, we'll go to my mom and dad's for dinner and opening gifts with them, my brother and my aunt who counts as my second mom. Then we'll go to the 11:00 p.m. service at church, come back home and go to bed sometime after midnight. Then, I've got to get back up and do the santa thing in the middle of the night sometime and then crawl back into bed only to be awakened by an excited 9 year old at probably 5:00 a.m.

You know, I think I should try and work in a nap this afternoon!


  1. When I was a kid I could never understand why grownups were so tired and groggy on Christmas morning. Makes much more sense as an adult.

    Have a Merry Christmas!

  2. I hope you are having a very merry and safe and happy Christmas!
