Friday, November 30, 2007

Revisiting old Friends.

We've been reading a bunch of picture books this week that we hadn't read in a while, revisiting books we love like old friends, all of Dr. Suess, If You Give A Mouse A Cookie and If You Give a Pig a Pancake, Cricter, Leo The Late Bloomer and others. It's been fun to take a little walk down memory lane. We are also reading the latest Hank Zipzer book from the library, called "Barfing in the Backseat, How I Survived a Family Road Trip". My oldest is revisiting all 54 of the Animorphs series currently. I definitely think our love of books as rubbed off on the kids. The news yesterday was that the youngest, who is 9 but has had some reading difficulties, picked up a book at the library yesterday and read quite a bit of it. He's been able to for a while and now he's starting to believe that he can. How cool is that?


  1. Anonymous4:00 PM

    I think that is way too cool!!!
    Dylan is now reading chapter books to himself and then he takes the test on and he passes. I glance through the book and ask him to tell me the word I point to (I still can't believe he knows all the words!!) and he can pronounce it correctly.

    Isn't it a great feeling when they improve and it shows!!!

    I love to read also and always have books around. My kids laugh at me when we go to the library for just a "few" books. I always come out with a "ton"!!

    Have a great weekend!!

  2. Anonymous5:30 PM

    We love to revisit old favorites too. Of course, at 4, there aren't that many "old" But we do have a shelf of "baby" books (including Goodnight Moon) that fall into this category for us.


  3. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Cooler than cool! :o)

  4. We call those "comfort books" and get them out at bedtime after a rough day. :)
