Thursday, November 29, 2007


We get to stay home most of the day and I'm looking forward to it. We'll do our school routines. This is the first day all week that I haven't had something I needed to do during school time. I'm thrilled. I hope no emergencies crop up today. I might actually get to cook some lunch, get the laundry caught up and work on those least common denominators with the younger two kids. Doesn't that sound like fun? Except for the least common denominators, it all sounds good to me.



At least until 5:30 p.m. Hey, we can't stay home every minute, can we?


  1. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I love to stay home and the kids hate it and each other!!!

    I think we need to get out more:)

    How did the least common denominators work out??
    I'm not there yet. Thank goodness for small things!!

    Glad you got out by yourself the other day!!


  2. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I love to stay home and the kids hate it and each other!!!

    I think we need to get out more:)

    How did the least common denominators work out??
    I'm not there yet. Thank goodness for small things!!

    Glad you got out by yourself the other day!!


  3. It went well, so far. We just did an introduction to them today and thanks to the math program we use, (Mammoth Math by Maria Miller), it went very well.
