Saturday, December 01, 2007

Flooring again.

The flooring is about 90% done. My youngest son said we ought to be on the show "Weekend Warriors" because we only work on the weekends. Truth is, I haven't done any of it. My idea of getting flooring put down is to call in professionals. I've just kept working at my job and supplying the workers with food and iced tea.
Anyway, it looks great and I'm very happy with it.

The first picture was what it looked like when they stopped working on it. (The furniture is still all shoved up against the walls.) The second picture is about 2 hours later when it had turned into Littlest Pet Shop world.


  1. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Imagining what Barbie and the rest of the tatty headed beauty queens would be doing to that floor... LOL

    It really looks great! :o)

  2. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Love the floor!! Yipee almost done!! I think that the last 10% takes foooorever!!
    I have some Polly Pockets that want to come over and play!

  3. The floor looks great!! I think we have the same Littlest Pet Shop world here too. Violet loves them.
