Monday, November 26, 2007

The new sport.

The new sport around here is putting on socks and sliding on the new floor. It's funny. Here's a shot of my youngest, pants rolled up and socks on, sliding. They've even made up a new game which has very complicated rules and involves sliding and throwing a ball into a goal.

They did most of their school with their Dad today as I was running errands, tons of them, in 2 different towns, in the rain. It's good to be back home and inside, even if my house is a construction zone!


  1. My kids were the same way when we put ours down. They came up with all sorts of sliding games!! Now, I wish they WOULD slide on it...would help a lot with keeping it dusted :).
    Good luck getting it finished. I know it's hard when you are doing home improvements.

  2. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Looking awesome!!! Oh to be young again....and have some fun!!!
    Glad they did their school work.
    Mine did theirs also.
    Have a great night!!

  3. Your new flooring looks beautiful!
    Have you tried the "New sport" yet?

  4. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Rosie and I had to run errands in the rain too. I must say, playing floorball sounds way more fun! :o)

  5. No, I can't say I have tried it yet! When I do, it will probably be an accidental slide.
