Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Call me irresponsible ...

Today, I'm running away from my responsibilities and going shopping with the other homeschool moms. We have a Christmas party each year for the kids and a Christmas party for the moms each year. This is ours. We'll shop, have lunch out and exchange presents. I'm looking forward to it, but there is this sense that I should not leave all my responsibilities even for one day that I struggle with. I'm, of course, working before I go and will work when I come home because I don't get any paid time off from work. I hope my husband does the school work with the kids today, but if he doesn't, it won't be the end of the world. We'll make up the day sometime, even if we have to do a Saturday. Now if I can just relax and enjoy myself ...


  1. The Moms in the homeschool group, in my area--are having a Christmas party too. I want to go but unfortunately I work.

    Sometimes I just do not feel like we are doing this "Homeschool" thing right. I dunno.

  2. I know what you mean. I can see that my younger 2 are gaining a lot, but my oldest, I don't know.

  3. I hope you chose to relax...you deserve some time off. You will be a better mom, wife, and teacher if you treat yourself to a little time off sometime!
    I hope you had a great time!

  4. I agree with Sherri.....go, enjoy yourself & have a good time! We have a 'Mommy Shopping Day' each Christmas where we meet for lunch & then shop.....with NO kids! Then we have our HS Christmas party at mom's house closer to Christmas.

  5. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Run! Run free! :o)
