Sunday, November 25, 2007

More flooring!

We've got more flooring, almost half the room is done. I tell you, those HGTV shows where they're just putting that laminate down and it's so, so, easy, are so, so false. It takes a long time and it is a pain. If any flooring manufacturer is reading this and wants to donate their easier flooring so we can use it in our kitchen and then I'll write a good review, okay, but it better actually be easy.

Anyway, I'm happy it's going down.


  1. I saw this picture & then commented on YESTERDAY'S post.....duh! your new floor.

  2. Your floor looks beautiful - You are doing a great job!

  3. Your floor looks great! My hubby does this for a living and I can testify that laying a floor is not an easy job!

    Good work!

  4. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Looks awesome!!!
    I know it's not easy. We did a small floor ourselves.
    It will be done soon!!

  5. That is gorgeous! It's a pain now, but once it's all done, you'll love it!

  6. Anonymous8:31 AM

    You don't have the benefit of all those behind the scenes workers or the luxury of the tape editing that the shows on HGTV have. ;o)

    The floors are fabulous!

  7. Anonymous1:01 PM

    The floors are looking great! Glad to see they are getting done.
