Monday, November 19, 2007

Maybe the last of the appointments for a while?

We did not do school today. We had dentist appointments for everyone in the family then we had some shopping to do and errands to run. We had to buy a new Christmas tree because last year I just got disgusted with the old one and took it to Goodwill. It was very difficult to put together and branches would just fall off. Hopefully, this new one will be better. I can't believe how quickly the holiday season is getting here. Thanksgiving is this week!

The rest of the day, I spent cleaning, working on my store on Cafepress and watching Dancing With The Stars. I really wonder who is going to go home tomorrow night. They all seem good.

Anyway, we'll get back to school tomorrow, do some Thanksgiving activities and try to have a good time. Sometimes in my crazy rush to just get it all done, I forget to stop and enjoy it.

Thanks for all the great comments on my blog. I've tried to comment on everyone's blogs this week as well as commenting on my own blog to answer questions, but blogger has been shutting me out sometimes, randomly, so sometimes I can comment and sometimes I can't.


  1. It is hard to find the time, sometimes. I have been too busy to blogg as much as usual and too bsy to read and comment. Do not feel bad....I think we are too busy.

  2. Busy around here too, but we are OFFICIALLY on Thanksgiving break now!! Yay!

  3. Anonymous4:44 PM

    My neuropathy has progressed to the point that I am no longer able to put up a big tree. This year, Bennie and I bought a new 4 ft. table top tree that I will put up with Rosie's Precious Moments ornaments. She's worried about where her presents will go. LOL
