Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I just haven't felt like blogging. It's been kind of crazy around here and in my juggling act of work, school and housework, I thought I was doing pretty good with housework and school but my knew my work was't going all that well, (but still passable.) Now my high schooler says that he's not learning anything with this workbook approach we're using for him so I feel like I've dropped the school ball. (Did ya'll hear a loud thunk?) He didn't want to do Konos (which is very hands-on), he didn't like the computer based program that we tried and now he doesn't like workbooks. I'm not sure where else to go from here? Just make him do it? (We've been trying that approach for over a year) or try something else? It's frustrating. We may all just have to follow along with his studies. He's learning about geology in Science, so I guess we'll all have to do geology ...


  1. Anonymous7:35 AM

    I think he's being a teenager.

    Happy Thanksgiving! :o)

  2. Hello!

    Well, I know how your son feels. And my mom felt how YOU probably feel right now! I am seventeen and was homeschooled (I am now a college freshman), and there certainly were times I didn't like my school. Frankly, my mom just made me do it! The majority of the time, however, she did what she calls "delight directed learning" -- letting me study what I really loved or was interested in. When you like something, it doesn't matter so much whether it's in workbook/computer etc. form -- because you enjoy it! I didn't like my computer school at all, but my workbooks were fun. Whatever the case, I think a goal is always best -- if he knows what he loves, or wants to go into, his studies would be most enjoyable revolving around and focused on that or those subjects. This is just a teenage girl's perspective!

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