Saturday, November 17, 2007


I gotta say, I'm glad to have this week behind me. It's been a little crazy trying to get things done. Hopefully, next week will be better. It's Thanksgiving week. I can't believe how quickly it's come this year! I love Thanksgiving though. It's a nice holiday. Sometimes it's a little hard to be thankful, when you feel that life is getting you down, but that's when you should do it. It helps to count those blessings.

We are going to do all 3 days of school next week and hopefully we'll get a lot done. I've started my youngest on Time4Learning and so far, he likes it. I have yet to see if he's really learning anything though. We've kind of been trying to find the proper level for him so far. Yesterday he had already done everything and asked to do Time4Learning anyway. That's a good sign. I haven't had much time to navigate the site and figure things out but I'm going to try and tweak it to the right educational levels for him. He's behind in reading and writing and way ahead in science and math. With him doing that, hopefully I'll have more time for the other 2 kids.


  1. I know what you mean about trying to be Thankful....seems like we've been having one thing after another go wrong here lately.....but in the grand scheme of things, I realize that we really have much more to be thankful for!!

    What is Time4Learning? Don't think I've ever heard of it before. Hope it works for y'all!

  2. Anonymous7:52 AM

    We are having fall break this week! WooHoo!

    1... 2... (Counting my blessings!)

    Happy Thanksgiving! :o)

  3. Anonymous11:12 AM

    We are kinda taking a break this year. Trina is going to get caught up in Math, and Dylan will go over spelling words he missed on tests this year. Mom needs the break more than the kids.
    I count your blog as one of my blessings!!
    I think you are doing a fantastic job!!!
    Happy Thanksgiving!!

  4. I hope you have a great week! You are helps to count your blessings when you are feeling down or overwhelmed!

  5. I try to remind myself frequently just how lucky I am.
