Monday, October 08, 2007

Report on the Field Trip.

The firefighters gave us a tour of the place and let the kids climb in one of the big tanker trucks. The kids also got to look at through a type of thermal detector which was very cool. We talked about what to do to make our homes safe from fire, including installing smoke detectors in every bedroom, sleeping with the door to the bedroom closed, crawling on the floor to get out (Stay low and go.) and having a planned meeting place outside. It was very informative. We also talked about other kinds of rescues that the firefighters do, which was pretty cool. I think we all had a good time.

After the class, we got lunch and went to the park. The mom's had a planning meeting and the kids played. It was a pretty good day.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a nice field trip! Glad y'all enjoyed your day. I don't know what happened to my post I left yesterday.....guess it went off into cyber space somewhere. We are headed out for our field trip today to Appomattox. Sure hope it's not as hot as they are calling for....92, I think! :-P
