Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Always late.

It seems like we are always late for everything. We didn't used to be but we've gotten really bad lately. It looks like today is going to be no exception. I've been trying to get myself and the kids ready to go to the library for a tweens event for the last half hour but we've all had to use the same bathroom because someone else is in the other one. I'm not going to mention any names but it rhymes with Baddy. The kids all had 'take a shower' on their MORNING lists but as usual, begged off until the afternoon. We barely finished our afternoon fraction lessons and then we all started competing for bathroom time. I really don't like being late.


  1. I get tired of being late too, but always seem to be. Jeff and I were late for everything before we had kids, so we can't use the kids as an excuse!
    I hope you made it!

  2. Why am I picturing the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland? LOL
