Monday, October 08, 2007

Field Trip!

We're going on a small field trip today. Since October is fire safety month, we're going to the fire department for a class on fire safety and then we're heading to a park. When we planned this outing a month or so ago, we were expecting the weather to be cool this second week of October, but no, it's going to be in the 90s. Nice and warm. Very, very warm.

Here's a link to a bunch of lesson plans from Scholastic on fire safety. in case you want to teach it this month.


  1. Stop! Drop! and Roll!

    I bet the firefighters had as much fun as the kids. They always seem to really like having the kids visit them at the firehouse.

  2. It's so hot I think my hair burst into flames today. LOL

    Hope the field trip was fun and informative! :o)
