Tuesday, October 02, 2007

I guess we have to go back to work and school today.

It sure was nice having a couple of days off, but I guess we need to get back to it today. I confessed to the kids that I haven't exactly been doing my lists and they are going to check on me today. Honestly, it's so silly that I need that to get me motivated to do anything. But I do. Hopefully, they'll keep me in line.

For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, we use a list method for homeschooling. Each child gets a list and mom gets a list. Mine involves exercise, household routines and getting a certain amount accomplished at my job. Theirs have things like exercise, chores and their schoolwork. We have this deal that if I don't get the morning part of my list done, they don't have to do their afternoon school list. They get the afternoon off. This is a big motivator for me because I don't want their schoolwork to be neglected.

Silly, yes, but I seem to need it.

I'd better get busy.

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