Monday, October 01, 2007

What we did with today.

Not much actually. We had to take Zoey back to the vet to get her stitches out. We worked a little on rearranging the kitchen, so we can put some of the living room furniture in there while we're re-doing the living room floor. I made a nice chicken pot pie for lunch. I stopped by and saw my parents for a few minutes and went walking with a friend while my kids played with her kids. We watched Night at the Museum together. We did no school at all, but that's fine. We can miss a day here and there. We got a nice early start this year and the public school kids are on break all week, so we might get a few days ahead of them. I don't care if we stick exactly with the public school schedule, but when June gets here, I want to be done or close to it. It's nice to have a easy day once in a while.


  1. Sounds like a nice day & I'm SO glad to hear that y'all do that too from time to time. Seems like all my other HSing friends are SO rigid & must do X number of hours, X number of days & even if they plan a field trip or something they MUST get the book work done early that morning BEFORE they there's NO flexibility whatsoever. Isn't that WHY we HS in the first we can do things as a family, how it works for our family, when it works for our family. Oh well....didn't mean to get on a soap box this morning. I guess they work better with a strict schedule & I do better with a flexible one. THAT's what it's all about!!

  2. Sounds good to me! :o)
