Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Confession was good.

The kids watched me like hawks yesterday, so I got my list done. It's weird how I need to be held accountable, but hey, if it gets me exercising, I'll just accept that strange part of my personality and just learn to work with it.

We did get school done yesterday. We played a couple of dice games for math, all of us together, and had some good laughs over it. Mom really lost big and they thought that was hilarious. (Not due to math skills, but bad luck with the dice!)

Today, we are going to be talking about westward expansion and we're going to use a big map of the United States and make it into a board game. I found the instructions yesterday here.

I really, really, really, really want this Hands and Hearts History Kit but just don't know if i want to spend the money. I really want it though.


  1. Wow, that history kit sounds awesome! And I love the map game too. I just went to the library today to pick up some books about Appomattox, VA & the civil war. My oldest is on Fall break next week & we are taking a Field Trip to Appomattox & I want some kind of unit to go along with this! I'm really excited!

  2. The map game is so cool!!! I love history so much!

  3. That Hands and Hearts History Kit looks awesome! I can see why you want it!

  4. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Okay you have my persmission to buy it. You seem to really want it and it is okay to spend money on our children's education!!!
    So go for it girl!!!!!
    I'll send you some peanut butter and bread for food for the week! LOL!!
    We love Story of the World. We are using this for Reading also. Dylan LOVES history and seems to really love this series.
    Love the ideas about the games, I need to be more creative!!
