Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Wednesday, part 2.

The first day of school surprisingly went pretty well. I think the fact that they were grounded helped, because they needed something to do and it is way too hot to go outside! So, they actually wanted to do school. It helps that I'd bought new notebooks, markers and pencil cases and it's always fun getting new things. I've apparently done something with the American History textbooks, so we didn't do anything in that subject except put the History Scribe sheets in their notebooks but we did reading, spelling, math and PE and then made a quick trip to the grocery, which is Home Ec (just kidding! I don't really count that time!). Oldest son did Algebra 1, Intro to Computers, Language Arts, Science, PE and Guitar which he is learning from a DVD.

All in all, it went well and get this, there was almost no whining! My youngest whined a tiny bit when he realized he would have to write his spelling words. He likes to do them out loud, but I need records and he needs writing practice, so he's writing. Hey, at least he got a new notebook for it!


  1. Ooh, I hadn't thought of that. Ground the kids, then start school. It sounds like a great transition.

    Actually, I got fed up Sunday with my daughter and her increasing complaining over the littlest things. I remembered back to times of asking her to do more and she never whined. So school started Monday, with zero planning and only half our stuff.

    And magically, she has stopped whining. She was actually excited today that she was able to check every thing off her chore chart.

    I think she thrives under the increased structure of school time and I'm going to have to take that into consideration next summer!

  2. Whining? Cringe.

    Glad that it went well! :o)

  3. Hooray! Almost no whining! :-)
