Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Wednesday August 8 -- Getting out there.

Extra-curricular activities, community involvement, volunteering, sports teams, music lessons, making sure your kids have opportunities to be social, co-ops, etc., etc., etc...

We've been fortunate to get involved in a very nice, small homeschool group in our area. We do field trips and co-ops with them quite frequently, plus go skating together twice a month and swimming in the city pool occasionally. We would also like to get the kids in Karate classes this fall. The kids also participate in church activities and occasionally in 4H activities.

Today is our first day of school and it hasn't started out as well as could be hoped. Last night, when it was time to listen to our read aloud, which we do year round, the kids all got in a big fight and got themselves grounded. All 3 of them. I told my husband and Max to watch out, because they'd be next! Then this morning I overslept and now I'm trying to get work done in a hurry. The kids didn't wake up in the best mood because of the grounding, but we are still going to start school today. If they were in public school, they couldn't change the start date because they were grouchy or because they overslept.

So anyway, here we go, regardless ....


  1. I had a very tough beginning to my homeschool last year. I sure hope things get better for you as the week goes on.

    Small co-ops are very nice. Everyone can get to know each other better.

  2. Homeschooling is a covert operation around here. I've heard rumors that there are others... I've just never seen/met any! LOL
