Thursday, August 09, 2007

Thursday, August 9, If only I had known ...

What have you learned on your homeschooling journey? What would you/did you change? This is an opportunity to encourage others who are just starting out or who are struggling with issues that seem unsolvable. It is also a perfect opportunity to tell us about one of those days made you want to throw in the towel. A funny story? Perfect!

My advice to new homeschoolers would be to just keep trying. It takes a little while to find curriculum, schedules and plans that work for your family. We started out with Konos and while I love it, it takes a little bit more time to plan than I have to give to planning. I still will use it some this year, just not all the time.

I've learned that if I don't put breakfast/brush teeth on my kids schedules, they will not eat breakfast (or brush their teeth) and when I finish work and am ready to start school, they're ready to eat. So, I have to put that on their list of things to do. Silly, maybe, but it works.

I've also learned that I need to make a schedule for myself and I have an agreement with the kids that if I don't do mine, they don't have to do theirs. This helps me to remember to do things for myself (exercise!) and take care of the housework on a regular basis so it doesn't pile up. Otherwise, I'll just get so caught up in working and schooling that I will be worn to a frazzle and the house will be a wreck.

I've learned that reaching out to others who are homeschooling is invaluable because they can help with advice and sanity and a listening ear.

If only I had known how good homeschooling would be for our family, I would have never sent my kids to school at all.


  1. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I had to make a morning schedule last year. We don't follow it exactly, but it gave the kids an idea of where they stood, and helped them understand that they HAVE to clean their rooms, eat breakfast, get dressed, brush teeth, feed the animals, etc. BEFORE school can start.

  2. I like the way you have created a workable routine for your family. I am struggling with that right now. Thanks for sharing!
