Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Tuesday, August 7 How do you homeschool?

Tuesday, August 7---How do you homeschool?
Scheduling, classical education, unschooling, getting the kids to help with chores, how to be "mom" and "teacher" at the same time, special needs, teaching an advanced child, how to teach the tough subjects, teaching high school, teaching with babies and preschoolers in the house, budgeting for homeschool supplies, notebooking, etc., etc., etc...

Well I still have to put in some hours as a medical transcriptionist each day so our school schedule has to work around that. In order to get schoolwork done at all, they have to be able to work somewhat independently. I give myself a list and I give each child a list. I make these on Microsoft word and print them out on Mondays. They have a list of things that need to be done before mom finishes work and then we do things together in the afternoon.

So on the morning list, I'll have transcription, exercise, and some household chores and they'll have things on their lists like eating breakfast, brushing their teeth, exercise and household chores. Then we'll have lunch and meet around the kitchen table, read and discuss our unit study and then give assignments and then usually split back up, with mom staying with youngest son to help him stay on task. The older 2, ages 11 (as of yesterday!) and 14 can work on their own in the afternoons as well.

We use a mix of things as far as curriculum goes. I've spent way too much time shopping for curricula since we've been homeschooling.

We're planning to start tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday to your girl! <:o)

    Did you start?
