Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Bowels, Click and Dancing.

The other day we were out at our church, preparing lemonade, cookies and coffee for a little reception we were having. Someone has rearranged the entire kitchen and made labels for the cabinets, to tell what is inside. Unfortunately, they made a mistake that is common to medical transcriptionists and spelled "bowls" as "bowels". My kids also thought this was hilarious and one of them opened the cabinet and said "I don't see any bowels in here!" and the other child said "Thank God!"

After my post of yesterday about how things are going so fast and the kids are growing up so incredibly quickly, we got the movie "Click" from Netflix yesterday. I sat down to screen it for bad words (too many). I expected it to be hilarious. Who hasn't wished for a remote control for our lives? The guy gets a remote that will control everything and it's great for a while but then it starts fast forwarding all the time without him even trying to fast forward and he ends up missing his kids growing up and his Dad and his dog passed away without him knowing. Let's just say it was not a good movie for the mood I was in yesterday. So anyway, there's my unofficial movie review.

We're still doing without TV so we've been watching a few movies. I did go to my parents house to record the Dancing with the Stars finale and haven't got to watch it yet. Sadly, the MSN headlines this morning on my yahoo home page spoiled the ending for me and I know who won. I'm not sad that Apollo won, I just wanted to watch it all unfold. Oh well.

I'd better get busy. My work list will not wait and I really want to get these 7 last days of school done!

1 comment:

  1. Bowels? LMBO

    Are you imagining what you would do with that clicker?
