Tuesday, May 22, 2007

8 More Days.

We've got 8 more days of school. After all the calculating, adding in Mondays, taking them back out, etc., we've finally almost arrived at our goal of 175 instructional days and 10 noninstructional days (field trips!!) I am feeling much better and I feel ready to meet the challenge of 8 more days. We're pretty much done with Mexico, Central and South America and ready to move onto Canada. I really think that a field trip to Belize (pictured above) would've helped our study, but we just couldn't work it in. We do need to plan our summer. I want to go on at least one camping trip and at least 1 small overnight trip but I'm not sure if we're going to be able to work that in either. :-(

I think that as a mom, I can still hear that biological clock faintly ticking, not for concieving a baby, but because my babies are growing up so fast. My oldest is already 14! He's not going to want to vacation and hang out with his parents forever! I think that mom's who are currently "in the trenches" often have a hard time with patience for this reason. We feel like we shouldn't waste any time because the kids are growing, growing, growing and we can hear that clock ticking, ticking. (Secretly I'm hoping this post will make my DH feel that yes, we should do things now and not procrastinate. Have fun! Now!)


  1. I agree about doing things now. We've missed on so much by "waiting & waiting until another time" and now there are WAY more things I want to do than we can. (Money & time-wise.) But on another note, my kids have informed me that neither are ever leaving, they are going to live in our basement. LOL

  2. That's good! We have 12 acres and I tell my kids they can all live right next door. ;-)

  3. I really enjoy your "Blog", I check it each day!
    I am going through the same thing you are - The kids are just growing up sooo fast, It seems like you blink an eye and you have missed so much.

  4. Anonymous10:19 PM

    LOL, You are a hoot!! I am so happy for you. Only a few more days to go! WOOHOO. Summer break here we come! We have 3 more days! ((Hugs))

  5. Do things. Now.

    That sounds like a great slogan for life doesn't it?
