Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I'm proud of myself and of the kids today.

I did 4 things that I've been procrastinating about. I cleaned underneath the fridge and made 3 phone calls. If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know how I am about phone calls. I am the worst. I get nervous and will put off calling someone for WEEKS. Seriously. Anyway, today I did it. I talked to one live person and left 2 messages on voicemail. I'm proud of me.

I'm having the kids do testing this week, using the Texas TAKS tests which are free online. Last year, we paid for tests and had them with the homeschool group, all official with timers and mailing them in and waiting for the results and everything. This year, we're doing it ourselves at home. I figure next year we may go the official route again, every other year. Kentucky doesn't require achievement testing for homeschoolers, but it helps me see what areas they need more work in. I'm proud of the kids for being so cooperative and easygoing about testing this year. They actually seem to be enjoying it.

1 comment:

  1. I cleaned under the fridge this week too! Ralphy got behind it and I figured that since I had it pulled out, I might as well clean. LOL

    I've never heard of the TAKS. Hmm...
