Thursday, April 12, 2007

South America Study.

We're still studying South America. Yesterday, we were studying Peru and the unit study suggested that we make pre-Columbian type clay figures. We used Sculpty clay and the kids made people and animals. Pictured here are my older son's iguana, my daughters 2 chinchillas and a boa constrictor made by my youngest son. My daughter asked him about the lump in the middle of the boa constrictor. He said that the lump was the snakes lunch. Apparently, he just ate a very large egg. ;-)


  1. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving words of encouragement - it helped today!
    J2 and I enjoyed your children's creations!

  2. Well an egg is better than what I was thinking...bunny. Um, chocolate bunny, that's it. I'm not a complete sicko.
