Saturday, April 14, 2007

Busy Weekend.

Today's the day of my parents 50th wedding anniversary party and my daughter is going to a birthday party that starts an hour and a half before our party. Thankfully, a homeschooling friend is going to take her to that and my husband can pick her up and bring her to the other party. I think I'm remembering everything I need to take, serving dishes, pictures, camera, prozac ...

I colored my hair yesterday and it looks really bad. I overhighlighted it. I went to Walmart yesterday and tried to find some lowlights to counteract the highlights, but I started talking to a lady I know in there and she and 3 other Walmart employses had a conference and decided that my hair looked okay and I didn't need the lowlights, so I didn't get any. It was kind of a funny scene, me standing there with 4 ladies analysing my hair color. I tried to touch it up this morning, but it's still wet and I'm not sure how it's going to look. Sigh. One of these days, I'm going to get a professional to do it.

Anyway, I'm going to party today, funny looking hair and all. Thankfully, the sun's not out so maybe some of my more orange-y looking hightlights won't show!


  1. Picturing the pow-wow... At least you had some other opinions. Enjoy your new look! The last time I colored my hair it turned out a lovely shade of Ronald Mc Donald red. It was three days before my wedding. BAD idea.

    Happy Anniversary to your parents!

  2. Hey, if the ladies in Walmart think you look good, you do look good! They wouldn't send you out to the party if they didn't think it was the right thing to do! I bet it was the highlight of their shifts too.
