Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Smile (written by my daughter).

Note: This story was written by my 10-year-old daughter yesterday as a writing assignment. The writing prompt said: "What if you woke up one day and animals could talk?"


One day I woke up and said to my dog "Good morning Max" and every other morning he would have just looked at me and wagged his tail, but today he said - yes, he actually said something - he said "Good morning Delaney." I was shocked. My dog talked. That was weird. I went outside to the porch. I said to my dog Lucy, "Good morning Luce-luce and she looked at me, wagged her tail and said "Hi." I couldn't believe my ears! She said hi! That was really weird. There was only one thing that could make this any weirder than it already was; if my cat Zena could talk. If she said "meow" it would just be weird. If she said "good morning" or "hi" I would faint. I ran through the house to the deck where Zena has her bed and her food and spends most of her time. I went to Zena and said "Good morning Cutie Pie!" and she just licked herself, I thought. Then I sighed and turned around to go back inside. I stopped, because, Zena, my cat, said "I'm sorry. Bath. Good morning to you too."
I fainted and when I woke up it was just a DREAM.

The End.

Wait, that's not the end. There's more. I woke up in my bed and said "Good morning Max. Aren't you going to say good morning?" but all he did was wag his tail and smile a cute little doggie smile.

The Real End.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    What did you eat last night?
