Thursday, April 26, 2007

So many things on my mind today.

So few actual concrete thoughts ... My brain is just kind of jumping from one thing to the next. I wrote myself some notes about what to blog about early this morning and now that I've got a minute to blog, here's the list I am confronted with.

Blog Ideas.
Chair height.
Spring fever.
Public schools not so bad.
Bad aspects to the lists.
Mistakes from rushing.

So here's the translation
Chair Height.
I think it's funny that I like my desk chair as low as it will go. If the kids sit in my chair for a minute, they have to raise it up.

Spring Fever.
We all seem to have spring fever. We do not want to do any kind of work at all. I do have a vague desire to have the house spring-cleaned, but I don't want to do it.

I'm trying to deal with that right now. Youngest son wants to whine about the schoolwork all the time and it's getting to me. He has come up a couple of grades in reading level this year and is almost where he should be. I keep trying to tell myself that.

Public Schools not so bad.
This is what a 13-year-old girl told me last night. She realized that the majority of kids in our AWANA group are homeschooled and she told me, "You know, the public schools are not so bad. You don't have to be afraid of them." I tried to explain that its not fear keeping us out of school, it's a confusing mix of work schedules, learning difficulties not served well by the schools and a desire for more family time but that's hard to explain in one minute. Anyway, I thought it was interesting that she would assume that.

Speaking of fear, one of my children had a bad dream in which the setting was the living room of our house and now won't go into the living room without an adult escort. This is making my life very difficult, since all of our rooms pretty much open off of the centrally located living room. I have to quit working several times a day and escort him places. It's driving me nuts, but I'm not sure what to do about it. (It's not the teenager!)

Several of us in this household play too many video games, myself included and I think we need to stop. Not sure how to go about this either.

Carnival. The carnival of homeschooling is up here.

Bad aspects to our lists.
Sometimes when we are hurrying to finish the deadlines to avoid the consequences, we make mistakes. For example, I was hurrying to finish this morning, hit a wrong button (not sure which one) and erased the entire thing. Very frustrating.

I have burnout in my job. I have had for about 5 years, but I keep on going. It does get on my nerves though.

Mistakes from rushing.
See above, under bad aspects to our lists. Apparently, I had the same thought twice while my mind was racing around, going nowhere.


  1. Would a hug help? HUG

    Sending this to you from my computer chair. Lowered as far as it can go!
