Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Rising from the ashes ...

The youngest got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, grouchy. My daughter said that he needed us to get out the "bouncy thing". It's this inflatable bounce house made by Six Flags that the kids get in. It's relatively small and will fit in our living room, so it's a good thing to pull out on rainy days or when someone's cranky. Apparently, it worked and put him in a better mood. I heard him a few minutes later quoting Hank the Cowdog. He said dramatically "I'm rising from the ashes like the mythical Tucson." LOL. Gotta love old Hank.


  1. So neat! Wondering if a bouncy thing would help out around here... Do parents fit in it? LOL

  2. Ours holds up to 250 pounds, but the velcro entrance door thing is too small for us to wiggle into. Still, I've considered trying it in the hopes it will improve my mood like it does the kids.
