Friday, April 27, 2007

I am better today.

I realize my post yesterday had several negatives. After I lost that entire report and had to type it over, I admit it, I was cranky. We had a scheduled Moms Night Out with the other homeschool moms last night and that helped so much. I feel better. We talked and laughed in a restaurant for 3 hours, ate tacos and enchiladas and generally had a good time. We do this once a month and it is very helpful for our mental health. The kids want to go but it's just not the same if you have to keep interupting your conversation to say things like "No!" "Get down from there!" and "Stop that!" So Moms who are reading, if there's any way in this world you can do it, have an occasional night out to rejuvenate your spirit.

1 comment:

  1. A night out? With other GROWN women? It's a dream right?
