Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Still here.

I'm still here. My eye is still pink but maybe getting better. I hope. I really don't want to go to my Mom and Dad's anniversary party this weekend with a yucky looking eye. We didn't have school yesterday, not because I didn't feel good (which I didn't) but because I didn't get done with my list. I had too much computer trouble so the kids got the day off. The oldest said that he'd rather be off in the spring when it's not so hot and he won't mind doing school this summer to make it up. We'll see.

I watched the results show of Dancing With The Stars last night. I hated to see Leeza go. She was the oldest female there and I was cheering for her for that reason. Oh well. I think they are all doing a pretty good job with the exception of Clyde. I think he's a very nice man, but to me, he's just not very graceful on the dance floor. Sorry, Clyde Drexler fans.

I'm finding it hard to focus on school this week because I'm not feeling very good and I've got so much looming over me this weekend but I guess I'll just press on. I don't want to take any more days off unless we really have to, so we can be done at the end of May.

That's all from me today, nothing funny or cute, nothing particularly clever, just hanging in there, waiting for the weekend to be over. I've got my sights set on next Monday ... when I can relax.


  1. I'm pressing for the end of May as well. Does it seem to you that these last few weeks of school seem to be dragging on? Sigh.

    Billy Ray is still on the show. Do you notice the look of horror on his face every time they say he is safe?

  2. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Keep on are doing great!! Can I do some of the things on your list for you and it counts???
    I never got all the school done I wanted,.....I will be doing some over the summer!!
    Relax now....later may never come.
    Enjoy your time with your parents and your children. Time is very fleeting.
