Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Absolute power.

They say that absolute power corrupts and well, I'm demonstrating it today. Because we had a field trip yesterday, I didn't print out the school/work lists for the kids and myself. Hence, I'm working this morning pretty much without a list. I've changed mine every week, trying to get just the perfect balance of school, work and housework and trying to get everything in without overwhelming myself. This morning, I got up and started working. I ran the dishwasher and fed the pets and started the download. Then I gave into tempation, briefly, and played The Sims. I got the Family Fun Stuff pack yesterday as a belated birthday gift and still haven't seen all the new things on it. I soon realized that at the pace I was going, I would not get 1/2 my daily lines and a bunch of housework and exercise done, then I had a very evil inspiration, a perfectly awful idea (as the Grinch would say) - why not adjust the list to what I actually got done this morning? Let's see. Dishwasher. Check. Feed pets. Check. Download and type 217 lines. Check. Hey, I got my list done! Who would've thought?

I'm terrible, I know, but it's only this one morning. I'll exercise tomorrow, really I will. Consider this my birthday present to myself.


  1. LOL! No checklists here either...just winged it. We sound an awful lot alike...I like the reverse checklist idea! lol!!
