Monday, December 18, 2006

Uh Oh.

Everyone in the house got up feeling pretty bad today, except youngest son and I. He was sick earlier this week and my back started hurting about an hour ago. Apparently, that's the first sign. Great. At least, hopefully, we'll get done with it before the festivities begin again this weekend. We are proceeding with school, though, despite it all. We are making a book of Christmas traditions around the world and we also made a gingerbread house from a kit that I got on clearance at Walmart, so it hasn't been a totally wasted day. I'm taking Cold-Eeze and hoping for the best!


  1. Somebody told me about some stuff you rub on the inside of your nose, which is suppose to cut sick time in half. you have to ask the pharmacist for it.

  2. I hope everyone's feeling better fast!
    How'd the gingerbread house turn out? I've always wanted to make one.
