Sunday, December 17, 2006

Need a little Christmas, right this very minute.

I can't seem to get in the Christmas spirit this year. It may be because I had to work today. I got to see 2 wonderful Christmas performances at church today, the first by the choir and the second by the pagent committee. (I worked in between.) Both were very nice. I just don't feel it. I guess I will eventually. It'll happen whether I'm in the spirit or not, won't it? LoL. I have one more gift to buy and then I'll get ready, somehow. I'm going to try and find some Christmas printables on line for the kids. We're doing school until Friday, so I guess I'd better get ready.


  1. Sometimes the spirit is quiet, it's not that it isn't there. *Smile*

    Much to Rosie's chagrin, we are also schooling until Friday. ;o)

  2. We're doing school until Friday, too.
    Have you done any baking yet? That usually helps me in the Christmas spirit. That and wrapping presents. ;)

  3. Baking is a big deal! fooooooood!

  4. I haven't done any baking or wrapping presents. Maybe I should.
