Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Can you believe it's the 19th?

The excitement is building. I sometimes enjoy it and sometimes wish to avoid it, you know what I mean? I'd kind of like to take at least 1 Christmas and go somewhere warm with a beach. No shopping. No crowds. No cold. Ahh. Maybe someday.

Anyway, back to reality. I was going to share a picture of the gingerbread house, but I tried about 6 times and couldn't. I don't particularly like the new blogger. Anyway, the gingerbread house has now been halfway eaten and no longer looks like it did, but at least they took a quick picture before attacking it. I wish I could show it to you. Apparently, it was pretty tasty; the gingerbread house, not the picture.


  1. I don't know about your part of the state, but we have the warm part! *LOL*

    The gingerbread house has been eaten? Didn't last long did it? *Wink*

    Praying that all are feeling better! *Smile*

  2. Wow! That house didn't last long, did it? lol

    I'd love to take a trip for Christmas!
