Saturday, December 16, 2006

Not very many days left until Christmas!

It's coming next weekend! I still don't have all my shopping done, none of the wrapping is done and my house is kind of a wreck. As a Christmas present to myself, I'd like to have the house clean! I'm going to add more housecleaning chores to my list this week. I'm going to make the kids do a lot of the wrapping, except their stuff, of course! I've been making a lot of lists in the last couple of weeks, just trying to keep up with everything.
I haven't been posting as much lately because we've been busy, busy, busy. One day this week, for art, the 2 younger kids decorated the glass doors with Window FX markers. It looks cute, I think. It takes about 3 washings to get that stuff of the windows, but it's a small sacrifice to make for great art.
Yesterday, for school, we took a field trip with our homeschool group. This time, we went to the Kentucky Center for the Arts for a Stage One production of The Chronicles of Narnia. It was very well done. I want to see the movie now. Our field trip also included a trip to the Krispy Kreme donut store and on the way home, we stopped at KFC for some snackers. My youngest son pronounced this field trip as "delicious".

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a delicious field trip to me too! *Grin*

    I LOVE the window art! :o)
