Thursday, December 14, 2006

A few things.

Last night, my daughter asked what we were going to do today and I mentioned that we had a dentist appointment. Youngest son yelled "Field Trip!" LoL. I guess he doesn't mind going to the dentist?

A couple of days ago the youngest 2 decided to open a hotel in their room. It was called the Icey Inn and it cost something like 14 cents to stay there. My youngest son told me later that he was the butler/bellhop, also know as the "but-hop".

It's been a pretty good week around here. For the most part, school and work are getting done, preparations for Christmas are proceeding. I still have about 3 gifts to get and then we'll be ready. We are going to do school right up until the 22nd and get in as many days as we can. At the current time, I'm not planning on actually doing school on Christmas day, but we'll see how much whining there is around here before then ...
just kidding.


  1. But-hop? *ROFL*

    Yuppers... Going to the dentist is a field trip! Rosie had a no-cavity field trip ourselves this week! She likes seeing if her dentist has gotten more gray hairs since her last visit! *Grin*

  2. My kids love going to the dentist, they think he's cool, he usually gets us scheduled right before lunch or last in the day, then he sits and talks to the older ones and bounces a ball with Jack.

  3. Anonymous5:25 PM

    My kids love the dentist as long as it's not them going!!!

    We decided to take the month of December off for youngest. He has been sick for 3 weeks and is finally on antibiotics. Oldest just finished two mid terms and now we are done for this month. I need the break more than they do!! LOL!! I am glad that mine aren't the only whiners!!! You sure do make me feel better!!
    Love ya
