Thursday, December 21, 2006

Still schooling.

This is my "motivating mama" list, with all my Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday things marked off with a big purple marker.
It feels good to have it all done early in the morning and I have more energy from the exercise too. Of course the kids want me to not get it done, but so far, I have, every day.

We are hanging in there and finishing this week of school. Two more days. When I got up this morning, there was a tiny little moment when I thought 'let's just not do it today' but I drank some coffee and got my resolve back. I think keeping to our regular routine for the last few days before Christmas is actually helpful to them and to me, to help keep them constructively occupied. Otherwise, I think they'd just be so excited and not know what to do with themselves. So for these last 2 days before the weekend, we're doing our routine. I'll probably print out some Christmas-y worksheets for them today, to help it not seem quite so bad, LoL.

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