Sunday, November 12, 2006

Things that went right this week.

Someone else was doing this on their blog and I forgot who it was, but whoever you are, thanks for the idea. I guess it's kind of like a gratitude journal. Here goes.

I got a lot of work done on my Cafepress store and put a new Christmas background on there. It looks good.

I got to visit a homeschool curriculum consignment store that I've always wanted to visit AND I found the teacher's guide to my 9th grade son's math. (Somehow, we got the student texts without the teacher book so DH and I had been having to work the math problems to see if they were correct. Yay, now we can be lazy!) AND, it was only 6.00 because the store was having a clearance sale. Good times.

I got half of my closet cleaned out this week. That's a bigger job than it sounds because it is a big closet and it was very, very, very messy.

My daughter read several books in the series The Animorphs. Last year, she wouldn't read a chapter book, now she's devouring them. (not literally, LoL).

My youngest son's reading has been getting better by leaps and bounds.

We figured out what to do with oldest son's language arts and that is going much better.

I have today and tomorrow off from work! I made a pot of chili yesterday and so I don't have to cook today either.

Thats all for my list. I challenge you to make one of your own and give me a comment with a link.


  1. Anonymous9:55 AM

    *Thunderous applause in the peanut gallery!*

  2. Yay! Sounds like a lot went right this week!

  3. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Sounds like a good week! :)

  4. great idea, I think I will, make my own this list week!
