Saturday, November 11, 2006


I think yesterday was one of the smoother days that we've had homeschooling. I did not get inspired to do the Konos activities yesterday afternoon, but instead got inspired to clean out my closet and got it halfway done. I hope to get the rest of it done over the weekend. Its a big closet and our main storage since we don't have an attached garage or a basement. But anyway, back to homeschooling, the 2 youngest decided that they wanted to have all of their work done by noon. They almost made it too, they got done at 12:25 and did not require any nagging or prodding. Oldest son took longer but he didn't require any either, but then, he doesn't usually. It turned out to be a pretty good day. Now, I guess we'll see how Monday goes.


  1. Anonymous8:23 AM

    I LOVE when that happens! Rosie had a major meltdown over a math quiz :o(

  2. Congratulations! First it was diligence, now it is self-motivation.
