Monday, November 13, 2006

Half a day.

School around here is optional on Mondays, depending on the teacher's discretion. I don't work on Mondays and sometimes I give the kids the day off as well. A lot of the time, we schedule field trips or doctor's visits on Mondays. Today, my daughter wasn't feeling well, so she took a sick day and the boys had what they call in the public schools, early release day. They did half a day of school. We had a harvest party with the homeschool group tonight and it was pretty nice. I think the craft, story, game and socialization probably took care of the other half of school too, come to think of it. Hey, what do you know, a full day of school for the boys and half for the girl, who played sick this morning and watched some TV but then magically felt well enough to go to the party. I also ended up getting about half a day of work in because my boss called midday and asked me to pitch in because they were behind. It was kind of a weird day, but I guess really, there is no typical Monday around here, they're always different. I kind of wish I was one of those people who had my days all planned out, but I'm so not.


  1. Anonymous8:46 AM

    There are never typical Mondays here... Or Tuesdays... Or Wednesdays... Do I need to continue? *LOL*

  2. Anonymous10:31 AM

    There aren't here, either. :) I think I wouldn't know what to do if there were! lol
