Sunday, October 01, 2006


We did not accomplish much today, but had a pretty good day. I had planned to do some fall cleaning, but if I get any kind of chance at all to postpone something like that, I do. My aunt is moving to an apartment after 70 ish years of living in the same house and we gave her a kind of a send-off today. We all brought dinner to her house and had a little celebration. Needless to say, we didn't get any cleaning done.

I hope I will not think of a reason not to do the cleaning tomorrow. It really needs to be done. Knowing me, though, I'll think of something.


  1. Anonymous7:43 AM

    How about it's too Mondayish? *Grin*

  2. Yeah, that's it. We can't clean on a Monday, it's bad luck or something.

  3. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Sounds good to me, I hate cleaning.
