Tuesday, October 03, 2006


I know you guys were wondering all day if I did my cleaning today. The answer is yes and no. I started cleaning this morning and then my boss called and asked me if I'd make an exception and work on my day off and help them get caught up. I did work a while and then did some more cleaning, so some cleaning got done and some work got done. It worked out okay I guess. I took some time this evening and picked out 5 Konos activities out of the book that I want to try and do tomorrow. I've made new checklist type schedules for the kids and we'll start with those tomorrow too. I'll let you know how that goes.


  1. Anonymous9:00 AM

    I use a checklist with the boys, they like it that way.
    I think I may have to do a Fall cleaning type of thing this week, it's starting to get pretty messy around here. :(

  2. My son, loves the "list" thing. I think it gives him a sense of time. In that, he knows this is it! She can't give me anything more, or extra because it is written here in blood. I do this then I am done! And so, surprisingly, the work gets done quicker, than if I was involved.
