Saturday, September 30, 2006


Even though they have school at home, the kids get Saturdays off. Youngest son is very much into Saturday morning cartoons and wants me to wake him up early on Saturday so he won't miss anything. Even though I have to work at my job, I'm usually glad to not have to be answering math, science and english questions while I work. Today though, youngest son is doing yesterday's math during the commercials, a compromise we finally agreed up after he was still working on his math late last night. As you can tell, he didn't follow the schedule and get his work done on time yesterday. He did lose all screen time yesterday because there is no screen time if the work isn't done, but I may have to think of worse consequences, because, let's face it, he's doing math on Saturday morning during the commercials. Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Hey, at least he's doing it! *Smile*
