Sunday, October 08, 2006

A good day.

The kids and I spent yesterday afternoon with my brother who doesn't have children of his own, so he helps me spoil mine. First we saw a movie, Open Season, then grabbed pizza and the boys went back to my brother's house to play x-box while the girl and I went shoe shopping. We finished the day with a trip to Baskins Robbins. Aah. It felt like a mini vacation.

We saw a sign at the movies mentioning matinees during fall break and realized that the public school kids are on fall break next week. Uh oh. I usually don't like the kids to find out about fall break until the second week, so we can get by with a one week break without excessive begging and whining, but now they know. I'm not sure whether we'll do regular school all week, just Konos, or nothing. Probably not nothing, because we started later than usual and I don't want to still be doing school in July. We'll see.

My movie review of Open Season - Grade C. It just wasn't entertaining. It wasn't objectionable, but it wasn't funny either.


  1. Excellent review of Open Season. I felt the same way. Ironically, we saw it Opening Day, a Friday matinee, because school was out!

  2. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Thanks for the review, my kids have been wanting to see it, but I keep thinking we should just wait for it on dvd and rent it.
    It sounds like overall, ya'll had a fun day, though!
