Friday, October 06, 2006

A different B word.

My daughter has lately been using a very bad 'B word' lately, not the one you would usually think of but the word "bored." She comes to me quite frequently saying that she's bored, as if I am supposed to do something about it. I have tried assigning more school work or more chores. Last night, she was just chanting 'bored, bored, bored'. I got so tired of it that I completely banned the B word. If anyone says it, they are grounded for the rest of the day. She has a playdate this afternoon, so it's really working so far today. I haven't heard her say that word even once.


  1. Anonymous12:56 PM

    I wish just once I could actually use the word and have it be true!!
    My two are the same way. I have tried the chores and schoolwork also!! Wow great minds think alike. When they say that I make them write a letter to a family relative who might be lonely. Sometimes it works, most often not!!

  2. Great idea about chores, or letter!
    I am never too ashamed to use someone else's brainstorm!

  3. I like that letter idea too!

  4. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Rosie uses the "S" word too much. S as in stupid. I am going to make her a "swear" jar! *LOL*

  5. Anonymous10:50 AM

    My youngest has been "b" word so often it has begun to lose it's meaning!
    I love the letter idea! I'm going to have to remember to bring paper and pencil with us when we go anywhere.
