Monday, October 09, 2006

Not a typical Monday.

My Mom and Dad had a section of their house that they needed painted and we went over to help with it today. We got it done within a couple of hours but then when I was going to get some water to wash the brushes, I twisted my ankle and fell. Now I'm sore all over and definitely feeling my age. I don't bounce as well as I used to, apparently.

I'm going to figure out how to get one of the kids to rub my back and take some tylenol and hopefully I'll be as good as new again.


  1. Tried soaking in epsom salt? Suppose to take the soreness out.
    Speaking of age, this is what my 70 yr old mother would suggest!LOL

  2. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Good luck with your ankle. do a good deed and what happens?? Must be that you are suppose to take it easy this week. I think it's a sign!!
    I hope that every child volunteered to rub your back!!
    Elevate your ankle and watch a good movie.

  3. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Ow! I hope you feel better soon. My sister always recommends epsom salt, too.
