Friday, September 01, 2006

My Posting Times.

One of my dear readers pointed out that my posting times make it look like I am always up and about at 5:00 - 6:00 in the morning. I looked back at the posts and it does look like I never sleep! I assure you, I do. Except for occasional episodes of reflux that keep me up at night sometimes, I sleep from about midnight to about 8:00 a.m. Just to experiment, I'm posting this one. It is 1:33 p.m Eastern Standard Time according to my computer clock. I wonder what time blogger will say I posted it?

1 comment:

  1. it says 10:38am. But you can fix it. I had the same problem with my blog awhile back.

    After you create your new entry, go to the tan colored frame surrounding it. On the bottom left corner of the rfame you'll see, "Post and Comment Options." That is really a drop-down menu. When you click there, you can adjust the date and time.

    But then you don't look like such a die-hard blogger. ;)
